Camps and Cottages
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Seasonal 4-bedroom camp in a very rural area in the heart of hunting, fishing, hiking snowmobiling and ATV riding wilderness. This ½-acre lot borders 1000s of acres of State land and nearby North Branch of Saranac River. If you love the outdoors, this might be just the place for you. There is no electric service in the area, but a generator is included with the property to serve the lights and outlets in the camp. A dug well with an outside pitcher pump is the water supply and water must be brought inside in buckets for kitchen use and to flush the toilet in the bathroom. Possible cell service through ATT appears to be the only reliable service. Goldsmith Road is a Town of Franklin road and is maintained year 'round to provide all year access. Wood stove provides heat in the winter for brave snowmobilers and skiers. Semi-private setting, but many other camps are active along the 6-mile road. Some structural deficiencies have been discovered so the price is negotiable. MLS 200134
Exclusively Listed at $68,000